Nora Ford Roth
I am the Director of the Living by Faith ministry and the publisher of the book. I appreciate working with my mother - Elora Ford , and my sister - Mary Lou Ford Steinweg, in this ministry.
I am a Bible student and my favorite books of the Bible are Daniel and Revelation. I believe they describe in detail the events that are soon to take place. Jesus will be more clearly revealed than ever before.
I am educated as a Computer Scientist and I have worked as a Computer Programmer and as a Systems Analyst.
I enjoy birding, hiking, camping, traveling, photography and working puzzles. I love my family and cats!

Elora Ford
I am the mother of three children - Nora, Mary Lou and Bob.
My husband, Dr. John O. Ford, died almost 20 years ago. Early in our married life we became interested in the 1888 message the Lord sent through Elders A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner.
I delight in collecting Spirit of Prophecy books to "mine in", digging for golden nuggets of truth to help me live a healthy, energetic life, pleasing to the Lord.
I enjoy my three children and their families. I love being outdoors - camping, hiking, gardening, birding, and sunning. I believe Jesus is coming very soon. Praise God!

Mary Lou Ford Steinweg
I consider working with the Living by Faith ministry a great privilege.
I love the outdoors - nature, hiking, birds and cats. I enjoy singing Scripture songs with my husband, Don.